Frog Street’s Vision is to change the next generation of children by creating developmentally appropriate, intentional curricula that equip early childhood educators with the best-in-class professional learning tools.
Frog Street offers specific curricula for every age and every stage of development from birth to age 5. We understand that as children grow, their needs change. Frog Street programs offer developmental and learning continuums that allow children to build on previously mastered skills to more readily achieve new skills in a seamless and continuous way.
Frog Street early childhood programs place a special emphasis on social and emotional development through the implementation of Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline®. Children build trust, form healthy attachments, and develop impulse control. As children practice daily rituals that invite them to unite, calm, connect, and commit, they are laying the foundation for invaluable life skills.
FROG STREET'S early childhood programs are built on four key cornerstones:
Early Brain Development Research
Intentional Instruction
Developmental Learning Domains
Social and Emotional Development Emphasis
INFANT - 0-18 Months, Building Strong Foundations
TODDLER - 18-36 Months, Nurturing Curiosity through Exploration
THREES - 36-48 Months, Exploring Wonder and New Horizons
PRE-K - 48-60 Months, Embracing the Joy of Learning